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  • The Vicibus Electric Tricycle
  • The Vicibus Electric Tricycle
  • The Vicibus Electric Tricycle
  • The Vicibus Electric Tricycle

Which Electric Tricycle Is Right For You: Sixthreezero or Vicibus?

So, you’re looking for the best electric tricycle. With so many factors to consider (height, weight, motor power, comfort, and price), choosing between different models might be a bit of a headache. Luckily, we’re here to help! In this guide, we will break down the main differences between the Sixthreezero electric tricycle: the EVRYjourney 250W, and the Vicibus electric tricycle: the Tri Go Plus, while keeping these considerations—and others—in mind.

older woman next to an electric tricycle

The Vicibus Electric Tricycle

Vicibus offers sleek, modern electric trucks at economical prices. Priced at $849, the Vicibus Tri Go Plus is breaking barriers breaks because of its stability, versatility, and affordability for older riders. Whether you're a beginner tri cyclist or an expert, the 350W motor on this electric trike offers riders 30 miles of pedal assistance for easy travel.

Choose between 24" or 26" wheels to accommodate riders of all sizes. The Vicibus Trio Plus can seat users between 4'8" to 6'2" and has a maximum capacity of 330 pounds.

viribus trio plus electric trike

Shaped with elegance and classic cruising in mind, the Vicibus e-trike has everything a rider could possibly want in one vehicle. Perfect for beginners, seniors, or users of all levels, Vicibus tricycles are the ultimate joyride for everyone!

The Sixthreezero Electric Tricycle

Sixthreezero takes a contemporary approach to the vintage beach cruiser when designing its products, resulting in unique electric tricycles composed of materials like aluminum and aluminum alloy. At a price point of $1,199.99, you're purchasing a stable ride with 1.95" tires for shock absorption and a 59 x 48.5cm rear basket.

With included features like a 250W motor that can achieve top speeds of 15mph and a long-lasting, rechargeable battery that offers 10 to 50 miles of pedal assistance, the EVRYjourney electric tricycle is designed for comfortable, leisurely rides.

Design and Build Quality

Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle

Viribus TriGo Plus Electric Tricycle

Frame Material

Aluminum alloy

Carbon steel


26" semi-slick tires

24"/26" puncture-resistant liner


Front v-brake, rear drum brake

Dual mechanical-disc brakes


Single chain

Dual chain


76.2 lbs

87 lbs

While comparing the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle to the Viribus TriGo Plus Electric Tricycle, we can see that the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney is made of less expensive components than the Viribus, even at its significantly higher price point.

Aluminum alloy frames—when compared to carbon steel frames—are less durable, stiffer, and more difficult to repair. Although people might prefer aluminum frames due to their lighter weight and anti-rusting properties, carbon steel results in better ride quality due to its durability and “springiness.” As for brakes, disc brakes offer better performance in all weather conditions as opposed to v-brakes, which can damage tire rims.

When it comes to design and build quality, the Viribus tricycle takes the cake over Sixthreezero!

Performance and Battery Efficiency

electric tricycle battery rechargable

Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle

Viribus Trio Plus Electric Tricycle

Motor Power



Pedal Assist Mileage

10-50 miles

30 miles

Throttle Range

15 miles

21.7 miles

Battery Charging Time


4-6 hours

While the Vicibus electric tricycle offers a higher battery power and more throttle range, the Sixthreezero has a potentially higher pedal-assist mileage range. Depending on whether you want a trike that can achieve high speeds quicker and ride for longer or a bike that can potentially offer more pedal assistance, the best tricycle for you will depend on your priorities.

Comfort and Ergonomics 

So, you’re looking for the best electric tricycle. With so many factors to consider (height, weight, motor power, comfort, and price), choosing between different models might be a bit of a headache. Luckily, we’re here to help! In this guide, we will break down the main differences between the Sixthreezero electric tricycle: the EVRYjourney 250W, and the Vicibus electric tricycle: the Tri Go Plus, while keeping these considerations—and others—in mind.

older woman next to an electric tricycle

The Vicibus Electric Tricycle

Vicibus offers sleek, modern electric trucks at economical prices. Priced at $849, the Vicibus Tri Go Plus is breaking barriers breaks because of its stability, versatility, and affordability for older riders. Whether you're a beginner tri cyclist or an expert, the 350W motor on this electric trike offers riders 30 miles of pedal assistance for easy travel.

Choose between 24" or 26" wheels to accommodate riders of all sizes. The Vicibus Tri Go Plus can seat users between 4'8" to 6'2" and has a maximum capacity of 330 pounds.

viribus TriGo plus electric trike

Shaped with elegance and classic cruising in mind, the Vicibus e-trike has everything a rider could possibly want in one vehicle. Perfect for beginners, seniors, or users of all levels, Vicibus tricycles are the ultimate joyride for everyone!

The Sixthreezero Electric Tricycle

Sixthreezero takes a contemporary approach to the vintage beach cruiser when designing its products, resulting in unique electric tricycles composed of materials like aluminum and aluminum alloy. At a price point of $1,199.99, you're purchasing a stable ride with 1.95" tires for shock absorption and a 59 x 48.5cm rear basket.

With included features like a 250W motor that can achieve top speeds of 15mph and a long-lasting, rechargeable battery that offers 10 to 50 miles of pedal assistance, the EVRYjourney electric tricycle is designed for comfortable, leisurely rides.

Design and Build Quality

Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle

Viribus TriGo Plus Electric Tricycle

Frame Material

Aluminum alloy

Carbon steel


26" semi-slick tires

24"/26" puncture-resistant liner


Front v-brake, rear drum brake

Dual mechanical-disc brakes


Single chain

Dual chain


76.2 lbs

87 lbs

While comparing the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle to the Viribus TriGo Plus Electric Tricycle, we can see that the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney is made of less expensive components than the Viribus, even at its significantly higher price point.

Aluminum alloy frames—when compared to carbon steel frames—are less durable, stiffer, and more difficult to repair. Although people might prefer aluminum frames due to their lighter weight and anti-rusting properties, carbon steel results in better ride quality due to its durability and “springiness.” As for brakes, disc brakes offer better performance in all weather conditions as opposed to v-brakes, which can damage tire rims.

When it comes to design and build quality, the Viribus tricycle takes the cake over Sixthreezero!

Performance and Battery Efficiency

electric tricycle battery rechargable

Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle

Viribus TriGo Plus Electric Tricycle

Motor Power



Pedal Assist Mileage

10-50 miles

30 miles

Throttle Range

15 miles

21.7 miles

Battery Charging Time


4-6 hours

While the Vicibus electric tricycle offers a higher battery power and more throttle range, the Sixthreezero has a potentially higher pedal-assist mileage range. Depending on whether you want a trike that can achieve high speeds quicker and ride for longer or a bike that can potentially offer more pedal assistance, the best tricycle for you will depend on your priorities.

Comfort and Ergonomics 

Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle

Viribus TriGo Plus Electric Tricycle


Cloud-foam cushioned

Adjustable handlebars


Cloud-foam cushioned

Enlarged, cushioned saddle


Low-step frame

Low-step frame

Rider Height

5" - 6'2"

24” tires: 4’8” -5’6”, 26” tires: 5’4” - 6’2”

The Sixthreezero electric tricycle has a cushioned saddle and low-step-through frame like the Vicibus Tri Go Plus, but that’s where the similarities end. The Tri Go Plus offers two options for tire size, allowing this e-trike to accommodate riders of all sizes. Additionally, the adjustable stem on the tricycle means users can alter the height and angle of the handlebars for optimal ergonomics.

While the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney does provide cushioned grips on the handlebars, the benefits of the Viribus TriGo Plus outweigh this singular advantage.

ergonomic handlebars on viribus triGo plus electric trike

Cost and Value 

Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle

Viribus TriGo Plus Electric Tricycle




*as of 4/2/2024

Off the bat, the Vicibus electric tricycle is the more affordable choice for an e-tricycle. However, are there any additional benefits that make the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney worth the $350.99 upcharge?

The Sixthreezero EVRYjourney comes equipped with thick tires (1.95 inches) that enhance traction on snow and sand. Its cushioned handlebars and forward-pedaling composition also provide additional ergonomic features that can benefit the rider’s posture and comfort. However, are these three features worth the significantly higher price? Only the customer can tell.

User Reviews and Customer Feedback

Vicibus electric tricycle reviews boast a 4.9-star rating, while Sixthreezero electric tricycle reviews have a rating of 4.5 stars. While both ratings emphasize these electric three-wheelers' excellent performance, features, and design, customer reviews of the EVRYjourney tricycle point out several flaws.

Patrons of Sixthreezero commented on factory flaws, poor suspension, and subpar customer service responses—among other concerns. Verified customer Tiffany Rubella stated that her tricycle arrived with factory defects to the main axle and fender. At the same time, Jane Cash and Donald Gray expressed their disappointment with the bike’s support (suspension).

While Vicibus is not without its flaws (specifically, customer desires for better assembly instructions, longer battery life, and increased seat comfort), the Sixthreezero reviews address rather drastic issues. We suggest you take a look at the customer reviews for both products for a better idea of the electric trike you are interested in purchasing.

Viribus vs. Sixthreezero

When comparing the pros and cons of the Viribus TriGo Plus and the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney, Vicibus’ affordable price, durable design, and high-powered motor take precedence over the EVRYjourney. Although the EVRYjourney offers heightened comfort, a lightweight design, and additional pedal-assist mileage, the significant price difference of $350.99 does not seem worth the value.

senior citizen riding electric tricycle

The Vicibus electric tricycle is the ideal choice for riders of all skill levels. Those picking up cycling or long-time enthusiasts will be thrilled by the smooth, comfortable performance of the Vicibus Tri Go Plus. Ultimately, the excellent features included in the Tri Go Plus give it an advantage over the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney. Riders looking for an affordable, ergonomic, and durable electric tricycle can rely on Viribus!

Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle

Viribus Trio Plus Electric Tricycle


Cloud-foam cushioned

Adjustable handlebars


Cloud-foam cushioned

Enlarged, cushioned saddle


Low-step frame

Low-step frame

Rider Height

5" - 6'2"

24” tires: 4’8” -5’6”, 26” tires: 5’4” - 6’2”

The Sixthreezero electric tricycle has a cushioned saddle and low-step-through frame like the Vicibus Tri Go Plus, but that’s where the similarities end. The Tri Go Plus offers two options for tire size, allowing this e-trike to accommodate riders of all sizes. Additionally, the adjustable stem on the tricycle means users can alter the height and angle of the handlebars for optimal ergonomics.

While the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney does provide cushioned grips on the handlebars, the benefits of the Viribus TriGo Plus outweigh this singular advantage.

ergonomic handlebars on viribus triGo plus electric trike

Cost and Value 

Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle

Viribus Trio Plus Electric Tricycle




*as of 4/2/2024

Off the bat, the Vicibus electric tricycle is the more affordable choice for an e-tricycle. However, are there any additional benefits that make the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney worth the $350.99 upcharge?

The Sixthreezero EVRYjourney comes equipped with thick tires (1.95 inches) that enhance traction on snow and sand. Its cushioned handlebars and forward-pedaling composition also provide additional ergonomic features that can benefit the rider’s posture and comfort. However, are these three features worth the significantly higher price? Only the customer can tell.

User Reviews and Customer Feedback

Vicibus electric tricycle reviews boast a 4.9-star rating, while Sixthreezero electric tricycle reviews have a rating of 4.5 stars. While both ratings emphasize these electric three-wheelers' excellent performance, features, and design, customer reviews of the EVRYjourney tricycle point out several flaws.

Patrons of Sixthreezero commented on factory flaws, poor suspension, and subpar customer service responses—among other concerns. Verified customer Tiffany Rubella stated that her tricycle arrived with factory defects to the main axle and fender. At the same time, Jane Cash and Donald Gray expressed their disappointment with the bike’s support (suspension).

While Vicibus is not without its flaws (specifically, customer desires for better assembly instructions, longer battery life, and increased seat comfort), the Sixthreezero reviews address rather drastic issues. We suggest you take a look at the customer reviews for both products for a better idea of the electric trike you are interested in purchasing.

Viribus vs. Sixthreezero

When comparing the pros and cons of the Viribus TriGo Plus and the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney, Vicibus’ affordable price, durable design, and high-powered motor take precedence over the EVRYjourney. Although the EVRYjourney offers heightened comfort, a lightweight design, and additional pedal-assist mileage, the significant price difference of $350.99 does not seem worth the value.

senior citizen riding electric tricycle

The Vicibus electric tricycle is the ideal choice for riders of all skill levels. Those picking up cycling or long-time enthusiasts will be thrilled by the smooth, comfortable performance of the Vicibus Trio Plus. Ultimately, the excellent features included in the Trio Plus give it an advantage over the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney. Riders looking for an affordable, ergonomic, and durable electric tricycle can rely on Viribus!

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